Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Fate And Downfall Of Romeo And Juliet By William Shakespeare

Romeo and Juliet written by playwright, William Shakespeare, is widely renowned for being the greatest love story of all. However, after reading, it is hard for anyone to understand how the tragic story of two ‘†¦star-crossed lovers†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ – Chorus (1.1.6) who take their lives, can be seen as ‘beautiful’ or ‘inspiring’. This also leads to other questions being raised such as, who is most to blame for the untimely death of Romeo and Juliet? Now, many will argue that those who had the most contact with the lovers, in the time leading up to the affliction are to be held responsible i.e. Friar Laurence or their families. Others may just simply believe that they brought it upon themselves. The purpose of this essay is to explore and analyse the role†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœMy name, dear saints, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee.’ – Romeo (2.2.55). Protagonist of the story, Romeo was simply ju st a Montague as opposed to Juliet who was a Capulet. Through this quote Romeo alludes to the detriment his name causes to himself. Nevertheless, Juliet pursued her love. Mingling with the enemy, Romeo and Juliet seem to have no regard for their town and its inhabitants. Albeit, their deaths acted as a catalyst for the family’s reconciliation. As the Friar philosophises in his soliloquy, ‘O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies in plants, stones, and their true qualities; for naught so vile that on the earth doth live; but to the earth some special good doth give.’ – Friar Laurence (2.3.15-18). This extract talks of the death of plants and herbs. While this superficially comes across as negative, in actuality the deaths give way for new life. Similarly, when Romeo and Juliet’s love, sprung in a world of hate, was consequentially struck by fate, it was plausible to conclude that it was an act on behalf of the stars to trigger new life and change am ong Verona citizens. Shakespeare, demonstrated Romeo and Juliet’s bad luck through numerous events. Even though Romeo and Juliet’s lives were teeming with incidents controlled by fate, the week-long time span depicted in the play offers three main events that led to the final disaster. Firstly, during Act 1, Lord Capulet hosts a party of which his family is invited.Show MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet987 Words   |  4 Pages William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is centered around the tragic story of two â€Å"star-cross’d lovers†. A tragedy is a dramatic story that chronicles the downfall or death of a tragic hero. Tragedies usually depict the causes of a tragic hero’s downfall, which are most commonly a tragic choice or a tragic flaw. There is often some sort of greater power at play in tragedies, like fate. A key aspect of tragedies is both fate and free will leading to the downfall of a tragic hero. 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